NEMCI VEN - Germans out
The brno death march - The story of an Expulsion
NEMCI VEN - Germans out
The brno death march - The story of an Expulsion
The deportation of an unimaginable three million German-speaking citizens from Czechoslovakia and the so-called Brno Death March, in which more than 5,000 people died due to exhaustion, execution, and illness in the spring of 1945, constitute a chapter of contemporary history that is deeply controversial and has yet to be reconciled.
Both sides saw and continue to see themselves as the victim: The Czechs as victims of Nazi oppression and the Sudeten Germans and southern Moravians as victims of expulsion by the Czechs.
It is a stirring film that accompanies expellees and expellers on their dramatic journeys into the unresolved, still smoldering past. A film that lets surviving witnesses speak up, never passes judgment, and documents history as what it essentially is: the stories of people.
Expellees and expellers on their journeys into the unresolved past.
The 90-minute documentary accompanies survivors who now live in Austria and Germany as they retrace the route they were forced to walk as children or youths. Often it is the first time that these surviving witnesses have returned to the places, houses, or apartments from which they were expelled overnight back in 1945. Their personal commentary paints a brutally honest and moving picture of their fates and how to this day they continue to struggle with those events and their consequences.
But the documentary also tells the story of the Czechs, who were the victims of the Nazi regime. And for the first time, the viewer is given the perspective of a Czech who served as a guard on the Death March: “The Germans should keep their mouths shut and be glad they survived!”
The film seeks to show how unclear and blurred the border between “good” and “evil” is – and how here, within only a few years, aggressors have become victims and victims aggressors.
Moreover, the film also focuses on what a person who is forced to leave his/her familiar surroundings feels deep inside and what it means to have lost one’s home, one’s roots.
Simon Wieland
"Němci ven. Deutsche raus!" erzählt in eindringlichen Bildern die Geschichte des Brünner Todesmarsches, auf dem im Frühjahr 1945 etwa 5.000 Menschen bei ihrer Vertreibung aus Brünn und Südmähren zu Tode gekommen sind. Und sie beleuchtet die Hintergründe der Deportation von unvorstellbaren drei Millionen deutschsprachigen Bürgern aus der damaligen Tschechoslowakei.
Simon Wieland und Andreas Kuba begleiten die Vertriebenen dabei auf ihrer dramatische Reise zurück in die Vergangenheit, in die Städte, Dörfer, Häuser oder Wohnungen, aus denen sie vor fast siebzig Jahren über Nacht deportiert wurden – und die sie nun oft zum ersten Mal wieder besuchen. Dabei erzählen die Zeitzeugen – wie schon in „Heil Hitler, die Russen kommen“ – so ehrlich und intim wie nie über ihr Schicksal und wie sie bis heute damit kämpfen.
Nemci Ven – Deutsche raus
Der Brünner Todesmarsch – Die Geschichte einer Vertreibung
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Land NÖ, dem ORF(Film/Fernsehabkommen) und dem Österreichischen Filminstitut.
Simon Wieland
Andreas Kuba
Claudia Linzer
Peter Kaizar
Ingrid Fröschl
Michael Holzinger
Kino Dokumentarfilm 90 min Full HD Video
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